Ovidius Editors—Call for Proposals
The International Ovidian Society is searching for two new editors for the Society’s official online journal, Ovidius, to take over from the current editors, Professors Laurel Fulkerson and Thea Sellias Thorsen, beginning in January of 2026. The Editors shall be nominated by the IOS Steering Committee and confirmed by the membership normally to serve a 4-year term, and will stagger terms for continuity. We hope to have one editor start in 2026 (for three years) and one in 2027 (for the normal four). We would like to invite members of the classical community to propose the names of suitable scholars, who should have been consulted about their willingness to be considered. Self-proposal is also very welcome. Applicants should include a letter explaining their interest and a copy of their cv. It is expected that potential Editors would be established scholars of sufficient standing to command the respect of the community in their role. Please write to the Chair of the Society, Professor Allen Miller (MILLERPA@mailbox.sc.edu), with suggestions of names to be considered. For fullest consideration, please send all nominations by February 1, 2025 Potential nominees who would like to discuss details of the role are invited to contact Laurel Fulkerson (lfulkerson@fsu.edu).
The Editors have full authority and control over the daily running of the journal, including the submissions, acceptance, and editorial processes, and over all editorial and stylistic matters pertaining to the journal. Other duties include commissioning articles and/or special collections and communicating regularly with the Steering committee.