The NYU Graduate Collective for Ancient Studies (GCAS), formerly the Society for Ancient Studies, is a cross-departmental graduate student group at New York University seeking to foster an interdisciplinary community of scholars with interests in the ancient world.
On March 8th, 2025, GCAS will host the 7th- Annual Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Conference on the Ancient World. Held virtually, the conference highlights exemplary undergraduate work in and beyond New York. Participants will be expected to present a 15-minute paper to a forum of their undergraduate peers, graduate students, and NYU faculty. Submissions may be a condensed version, or a particularly strong chapter, of an undergraduate thesis, an exceptional course paper, or an independent research project. We welcome work informed by any and all theories and methodologies, and encourage submission from students working in any discipline (e.g. Classical Philology, Anthropology, Archaeology, History, etc.) or geo-temporal focus (e.g. Mediterranean and Atlantic Studies; Egyptology; Pre-Columbian, Near East, Hebrew and Judaic Studies, and East Asian Civilizations).
Interested students should email an abstract, no more than 300 words, in pdf. format to with the subject title “UG Conference Abstract.” The document should provide the following information: paper title, name, email address, departmental and university affiliation, and year of study.
Deadline for Abstracts: January 24, 2025
Students should expect to receive notifications regarding their submission by January 31, 2025. Questions regarding the conference may be submitted to
We look forward to reviewing your submissions!
The Graduate Collective for Ancient Studies
Board Members