Conference Dates
Conference Dates
Chicago, IL
United States

General Information for All Annual Meetings
Every winter, the Society for Classical Studies holds a joint meeting with the Archaeological Institute of America. In addition to the presentation of individual papers and panels, features of the annual meeting include an exhibit hall for browsing and purchasing the latest books from a variety of publishers; roundtable discussion sessions; dramatic performances by the Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance; meetings and receptions of affiliated groups; and much more.
Latest Meeting News
Program Contents
General Information
- Online Registration is now closed. Annual meeting registration was managed for APA and AIA by Showcare Event Solutions. After the conclusion of the meeting, Showcare sent a receipt for registration fees paid to every registrant who picked up a badge in Chicago. Please look for an e-mail from (it may be captured by your spam filter). If you do not receive such an e-mail by next Monday, please write to that e-mail address for your receipt.
- Refunds for Advance Registrants Unable to Attend the Meeting. Individuals who registered in advance for the recent annual meeting in Chicago but who were unable to attend because their flights were canceled, and they could not obtain new reservations in time to attend the meeting should use this form to claim a refund for registration and publication fees. As you will see, the form can be completed electronically. We suggest that you save and rename the form, fill it out, and then submit it as an e-mail attachment to All claims must be received by January 31, 2014.
- Registration Information, Exhibit Hours, Publications, and Speaker Ready Room
Travel and Lodging
- Travel to and around Chicago
- Support for Child Care for Meeting Registrants
- Guide to Chicago Prepared by APA Local Arrangements Committee
Program Information
- Special Events
- Announcement of Seminar
- Proof of Final Program (pdf)
- Preliminary Program (pdf)
- Abstracts
- Schedule of APA Board and Committee Meetings
Information on Exhibiting and Advertising
Submissions to APA Program Committee
- A message from the APA Program Committee about the submission of proposals and abstracts
- Detailed Instructions for Submission of Abstracts
- Individual Abstract Categories for the 2014 Annual Meeting
- Additional Designations for Individual Abstracts
Calls for abstracts from other organizers of sessions: