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The SCS provides a wide range of services to its members through its five major divisions. The Education Division coordinates activities concerned with the teaching of classical studies. The Program Division holds an Annual Meeting which affords opportunities for the presentation of papers by members, as well as informal communication with others in the field. Through its Publications and Research Division, the SCS publishes TAPA and coordinates projects related to current research in classical studies. The Professional Matters Division monitors adherence to the SCS's Statement on Professional Ethics. The Communications and Outreach Division prepares materials of interest to an audience beyond the SCS's core membership in order to promote a wider public understanding and appreciation of Classics, including via the SCS blog. The SCS also operates a Placement Service. New members are always welcome!

Benefits of Membership & Become a Member

To learn about the benefits of SCS Membership, and to join or renew your membership, please visit the Benefits of Membership page.

Membership Management

If you are a SCS member looking to check your membership status, renew your membership, or make changes to your profile, please visit the Membership Management page. Additionally, current members can view the For Members Only page.

SCS Awards, Fellowships, & Grants

Visit the SCS Awards, Fellowships, and Grants page to see a list of opportunities and deadlines.

Membership Committee and State Legates

The Membership Committee and State Legates page has more information on the Committee and the Legates, who act as resources for local classicists seeking information about SCS benefits, programs, and opportunities.