Conference Dates
Hyatt Regency New Orleans
601 Loyola Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70113
United States
The 2023 Annual Meeting will be held in a hybrid format online and in New Orleans. Recordings of most sessions will be available for a 30-day period after the meeting to registered attendees.

General Information for All Annual Meetings
Every winter, the Society for Classical Studies holds a joint meeting with the Archaeological Institute of America. In addition to the presentation of individual papers and panels, features of the annual meeting include an exhibit hall for browsing and purchasing the latest books from a variety of publishers; roundtable discussion sessions; dramatic performances by the Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance; meetings and receptions of affiliated groups; and much more.
Latest Meeting News
Updated 1/30/2023
Videos of most academic sessions are now available on the annual meeting platform at Recordings will be available until Sunday, February 26 to registered attendees. To access the videos, log in at the right hand top of the screen with the email that you used for conference registration. You can then navigate on the schedule to the session in which you are interested, and click on "view session" to see the video, detailed listing of speakers, handouts, and presentations.
As you know if you attended the conference live, there were a number of technical issues that affected sessions during our first ever hybrid meeting. As a result, the quality of videos is inconsistent. You will find that some videos include audio and Powerpoint presentations only but no video, while others include videos of presenters but not Powerpoints or other presentations. Some recordings were ultimately not good enough quality for AIA and SCS to publish on the platform. In addition, some speakers and organizers did not consent to recording. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to experiment with the annual meeting format.
Attendees, please look out in your email inboxes for an annual meeting survey that will be distributed in February.
Conference Registration and Hotel Reservations
- Registration for in-person and virtual attendance is open: Register online
Registration at the hotel can be found in Storyville on the 3rd floor. Registration hours are as follows for badge pick up and onsite payment. Please note that you can only pay onsite with a credit card. Registration staff will not be accepting cash.
Thursday January 5, 2023, 12:00PM - 8:00PM
Friday January 6, 2023, 7:00AM -3:00PM
Saturday January 7, 2023, 7:00AM-3:00PM
Sunday January 8, 2023, 8:00AM-12:00PM - Hotel reservations are now closed. Reserve a room at the Hyatt Regency: Online reservations
Speaker Resources
- Speakers, organizers, presiders, and volunteer assistants can consult the resources on this page.
Program, Abstracts, Virtual Platform
- Join the virtual platform at this link, using the email with which you registered for the conference to log in:
- Preliminary Program of SCS Sessions and Events
- Detailed listing of SCS paper sessions, panels, workshops, roundtables, and seminars
- SCS Program (PDF)
- SCS Abstracts
- AIA Preliminary Program
- Annual donor list (fiscal year 2022)
Special Events and Sessions Requiring Sign up
Most events and sessions are open to all conference attendees. However, the following three events and the mentoring opportunity have limited capacity and require sign up. In order to attend them, you need to register for the conference and sign up for the events.
- Classics and Race Seminar in New Orleans: The seminar will take place on Sunday, January 8, 8:00-11:00am CST. Sign up is open from December 1st through December 15. Register using this online form.
- Career Networking on Saturday January 7, 1:00-3:00pm CST: This virtual roundtable event facilitates networking for those exploring a variety of career paths with professionals, all with graduate degrees in ancient studies / archaeology, working in a variety of fields such as consulting, finance, K-12 education, and more. Read more about our networkers and sign up.
- Classical Traditions in Early Modern Latin America: A Special Visit to Tulane's Latin American Library (organized by Hesperides) on Friday, January 6, 2:00-4:30pm, in person. Transportation will be provided to Tulane, and refreshments will be provided. Sign up using the online form. Contact Julia Hernández for more information.
- The SCS Committee on Contingent Faculty is organizing mentoring opportunities for contingent faculty at this year's annual meeting. You can use this form to sign up to participate in one-on-one mentoring meetups (January 5-8). These will be both virtual and in-person meetings. Once committee members have received your information, they will match you with with either a mentor or mentee. The committee is seeking both mentors and mentees.
Special Events open to all attendees:
- A Poetry Reading to Support Reproductive Justice in New Orleans, featuring Skye Jackson, Tiana Nobile, Karisma Price, and Cate Root (organized by the by Asian and Asian American Classical Caucus, Classics and Social Justice, the SCS Committee on Gender and Sexuality in the Profession, Eos, Lambda Classical Caucus, Mountaintop Coalition, and the Women's Classical Caucus): Thursday January 5, 8:00-9:00pm CST. Virtual and in-person attendees are welcome!
- Meet with the TAPA editorial team: in the Exhibit Hall from 10:30-12:00pm on Friday, January 6
- 2023 Presidential Panel: "Ensuring a Future for Classical Studies in the Academy: Institutional Strategies for Survival and Success", organized by President Matthew Santirocco, with speakers Joy Connolly, Ayanna Thompson, Brandon Bourgeois, Sanjaya Thakur, and Nadhira Hill, on Friday, January 6, 5:30-7:30pm CST
- Terence's Phormio, directed by Christopher Bungard and translated by Erin Moodie. The Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance presents a script-in-hand reading of a new translation of Terence's Phormio followed by a talkback. Friday, January 6, 8:00-10:00pm for virtual and in-person attendees.
- Plenary Session: Saturday, January 7, 5:30-7:30pm CST. Celebrate the SCS award winners and hear the Presidential Address! Virtual and in-person attendees are welcome!
- New Ancient Music for Aristophanes and Euripides with the Call of Kinnaru: now a hybrid event on Saturday January 7, 7:30-8:30pm
- Pachanga Latina: A Hispanic / Latinx Faculty and Graduate Student Meet and Greet, Saturday Jauary 7, 7:00pm.
Policies and Information
The following are also linked to the registration form:
Older Meeting Updates
Supporting New Orleans and southeastern Louisiana after the tornadoes of December 14. Thanks to our members in and from New Orleans who have recommended the following disaster relief organizations and non-profits that are assisting affected communities:
- Toys for Tots in New Orleans
- (disaster relief organization founded in St. Bernard's Parish)
- United Way of Southeast Louisiana Tornado Relief Fund
- Louisiana Mutual Aid
- New Orleans Caring Collective
Annual Meeting Participation Stipends: Apply online by November 1
All paper sessions, panels, and workshops will be hybrid with the opportunity for onsite and virtual participants and speakers. We also plan to make the Plenary Session (including the awards ceremony), Presidential Panel, and CAMP play hybrid. Social events and roundtables will be either in-person or virtual, and there may be some special events that have either an in-person or virtual format. We will contact presenters and organizers in the Fall regarding their preferred mode of presentation. Plans regarding individual events are subject to change, and we will post regular updates here.
Hotel and Registration Rates
The hotel room rate at the Hyatt Regency is $169 per night.
Registration rates have increased for 2023 in order to cover the costs of the hybrid meeting, taking into account audiovisual and technology costs, hotel expenses, and projected attendance. SCS is increasing Annual Meeting Participation Stipends as a result.
Please note that: (a) there is no early deadline for virtual registration; and (b) attendees can switch from in-person to virtual registration or vice versa.
In-person attendees will have full access to the virtual platform.
Registration Options and Fees
Registration Fees | In-Person (Until Nov 18, 2022) |
In-Person (After Nov 18, 2022) |
Virtual |
Member SCS or AIA | $215 | $275 | $145 |
Student Member | $75 | $100 | $45 |
K-12 Teacher/Contingent Faculty/Unemployed Member | $110 | $135 | $60 |
K-12 Teacher/ Contingent Faculty/Unemployed Non-Member | $170 | $195 | $70 |
Non-Member | $270 | $375 | $165 |
Student Non-Member | $150 | $175 | $60 |
EAA Member | $215 | $270 | $145 |
Spouse/Guests | $110 | $125 | N/A |
Add'l Exhibition Booth Personnel | $130 | $130 | N/A |
One-day Registration | $155 | $180 | N/A |
One-day Exhibit Hall Pass | $50 | $70 | N/A |