Conference Dates
Marriott Marquis Washington D.C.
901 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC, DC 20001
United States

General Information for All Annual Meetings
Every winter, the Society for Classical Studies holds a joint meeting with the Archaeological Institute of America. In addition to the presentation of individual papers and panels, features of the annual meeting include an exhibit hall for browsing and purchasing the latest books from a variety of publishers; roundtable discussion sessions; dramatic performances by the Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance; meetings and receptions of affiliated groups; and much more.
Latest Meeting News
NEW! Plenary Session handout (complete award citations)
Be aware of housing scams for the Washington, D.C. Annual Meeting.
No one at the AIA, SCS, Marriott or Renaissance hotels will ever contact you via telephone or email asking you to book a hotel room to attend the Annual Meeting.
Ombuds Information:
Kathy Canul:
Ombuds' phone while at meeting: 646 939 0435
Office Location: Adams Morgan Room (see program for office hours)
Our new joint harassment policy is now in effect. You can read the text of the policy here. We have also issued a brief press release about the policy.
Essential Links
Reservations at the overflow hotel at the group rate are closed. The cutoff date was December 27. Some rooms may still be available at the Renaissance outside our room block. You can reserve your room at the Renaissance Washington D.C., Downtown here. Please note that the room block at the Marriott Marquis, our primary conference hotel, is now closed.
SCS Program of academic sessions: 2020 AIA/SCS Annual Meeting program
Committee meeting times and locations (including affiliated group meetings) can be viewed here.
A list of this year's special events can be viewed here.
Full print version of the program (pdf)
Book of all abstracts for the meeting (pdf)
Abstracts (html) can be read here
Local Arrangements Guide for 2020.
SIGN UP for our Third Annual Career Networking event, featuring classicists and archaeologists now pursuing a variety of career paths, including technology, K-12 teaching, higher ed administration, non-profit management, publishing, and consulting.
SIGN UP for and read about seminars at the 2020 meeting.
We have a new disability policy, which you can read here. In addition to the provisions in the Disability policy we will be providing a quiet room, stickers for those attendees who require priority seating, and working with our hotels to make sure that they support any hotel guests with disabilities.
Older Content:
Cynthia Damon's overview of program highlights from our August newsletter.
Read about and apply for funding opportunities for those attending the Annual Meeting, including travel stipends, equity funding, and childcare / dependent care subsidies. Deadlines fall in late September.
Program Submission Deadlines
The deadline for submission of workshop, seminar, roundtable, and panel proposals and reports to the program committee will be April 8th.
The deadline for individual abstracts and lightning talks will be April 15th.
The program submission system is open now and can be accessed by going to
In order to make a submission via the program submission site linked above, you need to know your member number. You can retrieve your own member number by viewing your account profile on this site or by logging in at, and accessing your member profile. If you are submitting a panel, workshop, or other group submission you should ask panelists for their member numbers.
Looking Forward: 2020 Annual Meeting
Please see the following important information about the 2020 Annual Meeting in Washington DC.
We plan to supplement our existing harassment policies by appointing an ombuds to whom issues of bias and harassment can be reported. As we run a joint meeting, we will be working with the AIA on this.
The program submission system will open in late February. The deadline for panel, workshop, and seminar proposals, and for reports on peer-reviewed affiliated group and organizer-refereed panels will fall in early April. The deadline for submission of individual abstracts and lightning talks will be in late April. We will publish the specific deadlines by the end of January.
There are already many calls for abstracts available from our affiliated groups and organizer-refereed panels. Many of these have submission deadlines in early February or March. In addition to calls from longstanding affiliated groups, including WCC and LCC, please see in particular the two following announcements from affiliated groups chartered in the last couple of years:
Black Classicism in the Visual Arts (Eos)
What's New in Ovidian Studies? (International Ovidian Society)