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Are you currently organizing, or interested in organizing, events and programs on Greek, Roman, and ancient Mediterranean antiquity? Are you interested in bringing the ancient Mediterranean and its reception into global dialogue with other cultures, past and present?

History and Current Goals

In 2019, the SCS Board of Directors designated $25,000 that was used to sponsor public events as part of the “Classics Everywhere” initiative. In 2020, 2021, and 2022 the program is continuing with grant funding, but has recently been renamed and reimagined as the “Ancient Worlds, Modern Communities” initiative. The goal of this initiative is to engage individuals, groups, and communities in critical discussion of and creative expression related to the ancient Mediterranean, the global reception of Greek and Roman culture, and the history of teaching and scholarship in the field of classical studies.

We invite applications from individuals, organizations, and/or communities to apply to the “Ancient Worlds, Modern Communities” committee for mini-grants of up to $2,000 to support works in these areas. Examples of successful projects include but are not limited to: public lectures; readings; discussion groups; performances; summer, after-school and weekend programs for school-age children; visual arts exhibits and installations; podcasts; and videos.

The committee is particularly interested in projects that focus on long traditions of engagement with ancient Mediterranean culture that have been excluded from classics curricula; projects proposed by rather than for historically underrepresented minoritized communities; interdisciplinary collaborations; artistic projects and creative adaptations; projects involving global reception and comparative approaches; and projects that are critical of classics as it has been practiced and structured as a discipline.


Events and programs may focus on ancient languages, works of literature, art, architecture, and culture, on ancient history, on more contemporary works inspired by or reacting against the ancient world, or on the history of classics teaching and scholarship. They can be creative, analytical, or critical in focus. The one basic requirement is that eligible programs work with their communities and/or create pathways for knowledge exchange beyond the classroom to engage broader publics.

Allowable expenditures include: space rental, audiovisual or other technology costs, honoraria, props or supplies necessary for the program, and travel and / or accommodations costs for speakers or event leaders and participants.

Any project that appropriates the classical world in order to promote ideologies of hate and exclusion will not be funded (see Applicants should not propose projects that trivialize or normalize racism or other forms of oppression.

The members of the SCS Committee on Classics in the Community will review all applications. Its members judge applications based on feasibility and impact in accordance with the goals and regulations stated above. They will ensure that the initiative funds projects in all regions of the US; applications from outside the US are also welcome.

Application Form and Deadlines

The next deadline is Friday, October 18, 2024. The Executive Director will notify all applicants of the committee’s decision within one month of the application deadline or soon after.

The process for submitting applications will be different in 2024-2025 than in past years. To apply, please submit an application through our award, fellowship, and grant application system: The form will open for submissions two to three months before the deadline.


If you have questions about the Ancient Worlds, Modern Communities (formerly Classics Everywhere) initiative, please contact the SCS Executive Director ( or Public Engagement Coordinator, Nina Papathanasopoulou ( Please also see below for the projects already funded.

Projects already funded

You can view our complete list of funded projects.

Read More

You can read about Ancient Worlds, Modern Communities (formerly Classics Everywhere) projects on the SCS blog. Posts are written by Public Engagement Coordinator Nina Papathanasopoulou, who oversees the initiative.

Reimagining Ancient Stories Through Contemporary Lenses

Supporting Projects in Archaeology, Philology, Pedagogy, and Film

Contemporary Responses to Greek Myth and Tragedy through Drama, Film, and Visual Art

Increasing Accessibility for the Study of the Ancient World

Interpreting the Ancient World through Music, Art, and Photography

Art and Theater Projects Reinvigorating Interest in the Study of Classics and its History

Greek Tragedy for Audiences Today

Reimagining Greek and Roman Literature for our Present Times

Inclusivity and Accessibility in the Study of the Literature and History of Ancient Greece and Rome

Connecting to the Ancient Greeks through Medicine, Sociology, Literature, and Philosophy

Ozymandias and Nero Inspire New Podcasts

Reimagining Greek Myth for Communities Today

Making Personal Experiences Part of the Study for the Ancient World

Ancient Worlds through Modern Podcasts

Fostering Interaction and Engagement in School-Aged Children

Building Intergenerational Communities Around the Study of Antiquity

Websites Giving Diverse Voices and Students a Platform

Bringing Knowledge of the Ancient World to Rural Italy

Engaging with Antiquity through Film and Theater at Home

Promoting a Passion for the Ancient World in the Midst of a Pandemic

Recreating Ancient Drama for the Modern (and Digital) Stage

Can Studying Classics Encourage Empathy and Equity?

Engaging with Digital Classics Projects during Covid-19

Sustaining Classics in the time of Covid-19

Bringing Science, Archaeology, and Creativity to the Study of Classics

Classics through the Eyes of Black Communities Worldwide

Enriching Children’s Learning with Interactive and Creative Programs

Examining the Past with a Comparative and Critical Eye

Activating your Imagination through the Arts

Inspiring Curiosity for the Ancient World

Engaging with Diverse and Marginalized Communities

Connecting with the Ancient World through the Visual and Performing Arts

Meeting the Community Where they Are

Celebrating African-American Classicists