The Service welcomes and encourages any academic institution with a pertinent classics- or archaeology-related job vacancy to advertise openings online. The Service also encourages any national or regional organization to advertise positions such as executive directors, secretary-treasurers, or journal editors. In addition, it welcomes listings of openings in museums, libraries, or any organization to which someone with a classics or archaeology background would bring useful skills and knowledge.
Once new advertisements are received, they are made available to registered candidates via email online and published on the SCS website, so long as the Placement Service Guidelines criteria are met. Institutions also have access to the CV/Resume Upload page, in which they can browse research criteria and other information to reach out to qualified candidates who may have missed the initial job ad. At the end of the academic year, all job listings will go into the online archive files.
The fee for registering as a Placement Institution is $200. That includes the price of one advertisement. Additional advertisements may be purchased for $200 each.
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If you are new to the Placement Service, please create an account. Note that institutions do not need to be institutional members of the SCS.
If you are a returning institutional user, please log into your account.