General Information for All Annual Meetings
Every winter, the Society for Classical Studies holds a joint meeting with the Archaeological Institute of America. In addition to the presentation of individual papers and panels, features of the annual meeting include an exhibit hall for browsing and purchasing the latest books from a variety of publishers; roundtable discussion sessions; dramatic performances by the Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance; meetings and receptions of affiliated groups; and much more.
Latest Meeting News
Meeting Quick Links
- Registered attendees can watch recordings of some paper sessions from the annual meeting.
- Register for the meeting and access the meeting at https://aia-scs-2021.secure-platform.com/a/
- We have documentation available for attendees and speakers who might be unfamiliar with the virtual conference format. See the links for direct downloads.
- View SCS abstracts at https://classicalstudies.org/annual-meeting/152/abstracts
- Professional Conduct, Harassment and Annual Meeting Ombuds: View our annual meeting policy on this website, and the ombuds page on our annual meeting platform. During the meeting, you can contact our ombuds at aiascsombuds@archaeological.org or (949) 293-7515.
NEW! SCS Donor List for Fiscal Year 2020 (July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020)
Meeting Registration
- You can register here: https://aia-scs-2021.secure-platform.com
- The full AIA and SCS programs are currently available on the annual meeting platform: https://aia-scs-2021.secure-platform.com/a
- Listing of SCS paper sessions, panels, workshops, and seminars: https://classicalstudies.org/annual-meeting/2021/152/preliminary-program-2021-annual-meeting
- All SCS sessions and events, including affiliated group and departmental events: https://classicalstudies.org/annual-meeting/152/2021-draft-session-list…
- SCS abstracts: https://classicalstudies.org/annual-meeting/152/abstracts
- Read about the Presidential Panel, Friday January 8 (5.30pm CST), "William Sanders Scarborough and Black Classicism at the Turn of the Twentieth Century"
- The SCS Plenary Session will be held on Saturday, January 8 (5.30-6.30pm CST). At this session SCS will celebrate 2020 prize winners and President Sheila Murnaghan will deliver her Presidential Address, "News that Stays News".
Special Event and Session Sign Up
- The annual Career Networking Event will take place Thursday, January 7. You can sign up here.
- Sign up for contigent faculty mentoring meet ups, organized by the SCS Contingent Faculty Committee, using this form.
- Sign-up for the one seminar-style paper session is now active until December 1st. You can find more information and sign up here.
The following policies are linked to our annual meeting registration form:
- Disability policy: https://classicalstudies.org/annual-meeting/disability-policy
- Privacy policies: https://classicalstudies.org/annual-meeting/privacy-policies
- Harassment Policy: https://classicalstudies.org/annual-meeting/2021/joint-harassment-policy
Older Content
- We have funding available to support free registration for graduate students, contingent faculty, and unemployed scholars. You can apply for a registration subvention until November 15 using this form (form now closed).
- Although the meeting is virtual, we realize that many attendees will require childcare or dependent care in order to attend and that financial support for caregiving is still necessary. To apply for a childcare / dependent care stipend, you can fill out this form by December 15 (deadline recently extended).
- If you'd like to volunteer for the annual meeting you can find information here.
September 17, 2020
Annual Meeting Update
AIA and SCS are working with OpenWater, which will be providing a platform for registration and the virtual conference in January 2021. Registration will open in early October. You can find registration rates below, as well as preliminary information about funding and subsidies from SCS.
Virtual Meeting Registration Rates
Please note that “contingent” below refers to anyone who is not tenured or on the tenure-track.
Member |
$ 75.00 |
Non-Member |
$ 85.00 |
Student member |
$ 20.00 |
Student non-member |
$ 25.00 |
Contingent / unemployed member |
$ 30.00 |
Contingent / unemployed non-member |
$ 35.00 |
K-12 Teacher (member) |
$ 30.00 |
K-12 Teacher (non-member) |
$ 35.00 |
Funding and Subsidies from SCS
1. This year SCS “travel funding” will be offered to students, contingent faculty, and unemployed scholars in the form of free meeting registration. Preference will be given to those applicants who are appearing on the program in some capacity.
2. Students will, as usual, have the opportunity to volunteer in exchange for free registration.
3. Childcare and dependent care subsidies will be available as usual.
We will publish more details about funding and subsidies in late September, prior to the opening of registration.
August 16, 2020
A draft session listing for our 2021 virtual annual meeting can be found here.
The All-virtual annual meeting will take place January 5 -10, 2021
Relevant Program Submission System deadlines are below. Please note that the Program Committee has changed these due to COVID-19.
1) Update for Affiliated Group Reports: The deadline for submission of the Affiliated Group Panel Reports is now 8 June, although we encourage any affiliated group that is ready to submit by April 21 to do so via the program submission system. If you submit your report after April 21, you must email it to info@classicalstudies.org
2) Panels, Seminars, Workshops Roundtable Discussions etc.: The deadline for submitting proposals, applications, and reports except for the above mentioned Affiliated Group Panel Reports and Individual Abstracts and Lightning Talks is 11:59 pm, Eastern Time, on April 21, 2020.
3) Individual Abstracts and Lightning Talks: The deadline for Individual Abstracts and Lightning Talks is 11:59 pm, Eastern Time, on April 28, 2020