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"Pebble mosaic floor with floral decoration, from Ancient Sikyon, second half of 4th century BC, Archaeological Museum of Sikyon, Greece" by Following Hadrian is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Ever wondered about the work that goes into building the program for the Annual Meeting, or have you ever submitted an abstract to the SCS and wondered what happened to it afterwards? In this resource, written by Cynthia Damon, former VP for Program and Chair of the Program Committee, you will learn about the multi-stage process that leads up to Annual Meeting.

The Annual Meeting program is a complex conglomerate involving contributions and decisions made by a large number of individuals and groups. The most recent meeting reveals the most obvious components: paper sessions, a plenary session, an awards ceremony, a presidential panel, a play, social events, and meetings (so many meetings!). These SCS events run in conjunction with an equally elaborate program organized by the AIA, and the whole experience is enriched by activities planned by individuals. What follows is a sketch of how the SCS program comes together in 3 parts.

Image: "Pebble mosaic floor with floral decoration, from Ancient Sikyon, second half of 4th century BC, Archaeological Museum of Sikyon, Greece" by Following Hadrian is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0