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Posts by Michael Zellmann-Rohrer

Title: Papyrus in Greek regarding tax issues (3rd ca. BC.)  Currently in the Metropolitan Mueum of Art. Source: Wikipedia Commons

Review: A Searchable Database of Papyri and Translations Online is a resource for the study of documentary papyri with two parts. The first, the Papyrological Navigator (PN), whose development began in 2006, aims to integrate and allow simultaneous querying of five existing papyrological databases. The focus thus far is on Greek and Latin texts, with selective inclusion of Coptic. A later development, the Papyrological Editor (PE), launched in 2010, offers the facility for users to contribute directly, in the form of corrections to entered data, new data entry, in particular new text editions, and even “born digital” editions of their own, all reviewed by an editorial board.

The core of the PN enables text searches and browsing on a conjunction of the Duke Database of Documentary Papyri (DDbDP) and the Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der Read more …