SCS Blog Author Page
Posts by Bill Beck
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Blog: Funding Opportunities for Students and Teachers of Classics, Ancient History, Art History, and Archaeology
Below is an annotated list of funding opportunities for undergraduate students, graduate students, and current and aspiring teachers of classical philology, ancient history, and classical archaeology. This post is divided into three parts, corresponding to the different target populations, originally discussed separately here, here, and here. The first part is relevant to undergraduate students; the second part concerns funding opportunities for graduate students; the final section is of interest to current and aspiring teachers of classics. |
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Review: Reviewing A Digital Edition of Homer
The Homer Multitext (HMT) has something in common with the poetry it documents: They are both monumental and impressive works whose gradual evolution over many years by many hands has left traces of its past; it exists in several forms that present the same information in slightly different ways, and its development through changing technologies has left occasional redundancies. Like the Iliad, it lives up to its title, but perhaps not in the way one expects. And like its poetic source text, it richly rewards those who plumb its depths. At its core, the HMT is a digital diplomatic edition of all the text and scholia of Venetus A, the oldest complete text of the Iliad in existence and the single most important source for ancient Homeric scholarship, spatially linked to high-resolution manuscript images. The HMT does not replace other Read more … |